Field initialization for a relativistic electron bunch¶
The goal of this tutorial is to give an introduction to the use of the the relativistic-species field initialization with Smilei.
With 8 MPI processes and 5 OpenMP threads the simulation of this tutorial should take a few minutes (remember to set the number of OpenMP threads as explained in Setup). The relativistic Poisson solver is parallelized through MPI but not with OpenMP, sometimes for larger simulations a larger number of MPI processes is necessary to reduce the time spent in field initialization.
The following features will be addressed:
Automatic conversion of the output to SI units (
Python module required)Initialization of a Species through a numpy array
Initialization of the electromagnetic field with relativistic species
Observation of the plasma wakefield driven by a relativistic electron bunch
Analysis of the bunch evolution with the
diagnosticAnalysis of the bunch evolution with the
diagnosticObservation of the effect of Perfectly Matched Layers
Physical configuration¶
A relativistic electron bunch enters a plasma in a AMcylindrical
geometry. It propagates in
the plasma and creates a non linear plasma wave in its wake.
This tutorial is done in AMcylindrical
with one azimuthal mode, thus assuming perfect cylindrical geometry in the fields (see also the related tutorial).
Initializing our bunch through a plasma density and a Maxwell-Jüttner momentum distribution would not allow us to set a certain emittance for the bunch (this parameter is related to the transverse phase space distribution of the bunch particles). Also, initializing a converging/diverging bunch or a particle distribution obtained from a beam transport code would not be possible with this kind of initialization.
To manage these situations, an initialization of a Species
with a numpy
array is more suitable.
The Species
called electron_bunch
in our input file the input file
will receive two numpy
arrays, array_position
and array_momentum in the position_initialization
and momentum_initialization
Our bunch has npart
particles, thus the shapes of these arrays will be (4,npart)
and (3,npart)
respectively. The array_position
contains the coordinates of our bunch particles.
Remember that the origin of the axes is set on the propagation axis in AMcylindrical
so the transverse coordinates may be positive or negative. Each of the first three rows represents the x
, y
, z
coordinates of the particles, while each column represents a particle.
The last row represents the weight given to each particle, related to the macro-particle charge.
Similarly, the array_momentum
contains the particles momenta px
, py
, pz
With this initialization the density profile of the Species
will be computed from the position of the
particles, and not from a profile given in the Species
block as in other tutorials.
In our case, we generate the particles and momenta distribution of the electron bunch
assuming a gaussian distribution in the momentum space, with custom average energy, emittance, rms sizes, etc.
The bunch is assumed as waist (i.e. not converging, nor diverging), but manipulating the numpy
arrays of the
bunch particles it is easy to generate a more realistic electron bunch.
More details on the initialization through numpy arrays or from a file can be found here.
The simulation in this tutorial uses a few macro-particles per cell and a coarse mesh too keep the computational time reasonable. Physically relevant simulations of the considered phenomena would require more macro-particles and a finer mesh. Apart from the numerical artefacts whose mitigation will be addressed in this tutorial, the noise in the grid quantities will be caused also by the small number of macro-particles.
Preparing the case study¶
Download the input file and open it with your favorite editor. Note how the physical quantities are defined. First the physical constants for conversions and then used to convert the physical quantities of interest, e.g. the bunch size, from SI units to normalized units.
The plasma electrons are initialized in a block Species
named plasmaelectrons
The electron bunch driving the plasma wave is initalized in
a block Species
named electronbunch
The flag relativistic_field_initialization = True
in the electronbunch
means that its self-consistent electromagnetic fields will be computed at the time when
this Species
starts to move, in this case at t=0
because time_frozen=0
The procedure used in Smilei for this field initialization is detailed
These electromagnetic fields will propagate with the bunch and push away the plasma electrons (just like an intense laser pulse would do with its ponderomotive force) triggering a plasma oscillation.
You will see that the plasma does not fill all the simulation window. This is because we want to include the electron bunch field in the window, but the plasma particles creating the plasma oscillations are only those radially near to the electron beam. Plasma particles at greater radial distances would not contribute to the relevant physics, but they would require additional computational time. Thus we can omit them to perform the simulation more quickly without losing relevant phenomena.
The moving window in the namelist has been set to contain the electron bunch and the first wake period in the simulation window.
Conversion to SI units¶
We have specified the reference_angular_frequency_SI
in the Main
of our input namelist. Therefore, if you have built happi
with the pint
Python module,
you should be able to automatically convert the normalized units of the outputs
towards SI units, as will be shown in the commands of this tutorial.
To do this, while opening the diagnostic you will specify the units in your plot,
e.g. units = ["um","GV/m"]
. If happi
was not built with the pint
or if you want to see the results in normalized units, just omit these units
and remember to adjust the vmin
and vmax
of your plot commands.
Relativistic field initialization¶
Run the simulation and open the results with happi
import happi
S = happi.Open("example/of/path/to/the/simulation")
To visualize the initial bunch density and transverse electric field on the xy
plane, use:
Note that the bunch is initially in vacuum. If a Species
is initialized inside the plasma,
activating the initialization of its field creates non-physical forces.
The bunch will move in the positive x
(longitudinal) direction towards the plasma.
The field Ex
is much lower than the transverse field Ey
as for a relativistic moving charge.
The field Ey
is the field that pushes the plasma electrons away from the bunch’s path and triggers the plasma oscillations
in the bunch wake.
Action: What happens to the fields if you increase the number of bunch particles npart
Are the fields more or less noisy?
You will see from the simulation log that the iterative relativistic Poisson solver
does not converge in this simulation with the chosen maximum number of iterations
in the Main
However, the field obtained from this initialization will be accurate enough to
see a plasma wave driven by the electron beam’s field and learn from this tutorial.
A more accurate initialization would probably require more iterations, increasing
the initialization time. There is no value for relativistic_poisson_max_iteration
or for the acceptable error relativistic_poisson_max_error
for all physical problems. The user should find the values suited to their
case of interest through careful trial and error.
Nonlinear, beam-driven plasma oscillations¶
The plasma electrons pushed away from the bunch path will be attracted back to their original positions by the immobile ions and start to oscillate.
Visualize the nonlinear plasma wave forming in the wake of the electron bunch:
The evolution of the longitudinal electric field on axis, very important for acceleration of another particle bunch, can be visualized through:
The wave form has a shape of a sawtooth wave, since the set-up is in the so-called nonlinear regime.
Try to change the total bunch charge Q_bunch
and rerun the simulation, for example multiplying it by a factor
(a linear regime), 0.75
(a weakly nonlinear regime). What happens to the Ex
Action: What happens to the fields if you increase the number of particles in the plasma? Are the fields more or less noisy?
Particle Binning diagnostic¶
Let’s study in detail the evolution of the electron bunch.
To start, the energy spectrum can be found using the first ParticleBinning
diagnostic defined in the namelist:
Note how the bunch energy spread is increasing and the average energy is decreasing as it drives the plasma waves in its propagation.
The longitudinal phase space can be seen through the second ParticleBinning
diagnostic of the namelist:
Note how the bunch tail is losing its energy. That zone of the bunch is where the decelerating electric field is generated.
Action: Study the remaining ParticleBinning
diagnostics, which contain the bunch distribution in transverse phase space
and z
phase space planes respectively). Note how the transverse coordinates can be negative in cylindrical geometry.
Track Particles diagnostic¶
Note how we had to specify the limits of the axes of our ParticleBinning
This can be a considerable constraint when these boundaries are not known.
Furthermore, if we wanted to compute more complex quantities derived from the
positions and momenta of the electron bunch, e.g. the energy spread of its longitudinal
slices, it would have not been easy to do with ParticleBinning
Finally, sometimes we want to export the final bunch distribution in the phase space,
i.e. the 3D positions and 3D momenta of all particles, e.g. to use them as input of
a beam dynamics code to design a magnetic transport line, so we would need the coordinates
of each macro-particle.
For these reasons, often in wakefield simulations it is preferrable to use the
diagnostic. This diagnostic allows to select a Species
and optionally a filter (e.g. macro-particles above a certain energy). The diagnostic
can give the id numbers, position, momentum and weight of the macro-particles of
that Species
satisfying the filter.
Note Specifying a filter can be essential to avoid exporting exceedingly large amount of data. For example, in a laser wakefield acceleration where the accelerated electron beam comes from the plasma itself, not specifying a filter would export the data of all the plasma species macro-particles. In this case, using a filter e.g. select only the macro-particles above a certain energy, would likely export the macro-particles of interest for typical laser wakefield acceleration studies.
In this simulation’s namelist, a TrackParticles
block is specified
to export the data of all the electron bunch macro-particles.
The bunch does not have many macro-particles, so we don’t need to specify a filter.
You can extract the TrackParticles
data of a given timestep
# Read the DiagTrackParticles data
import numpy as np
chunk_size = 60000
species_name = "electronbunch"
timestep = 0.
track = S.TrackParticles(species = species_name, chunksize=chunk_size, sort=False)
for particle_chunk in track.iterParticles(timestep, chunksize=chunk_size):
# positions
x = particle_chunk["x"]
y = particle_chunk["y"]
z = particle_chunk["z"]
# momenta
px = particle_chunk["px"]
py = particle_chunk["py"]
pz = particle_chunk["pz"]
p = np.sqrt((px**2+py**2+pz**2))
# weights, proportional to che macro-particle charge
w = particle_chunk["w"]
# energy
E = np.sqrt((1.+p**2))
Nparticles = np.size(w)
print(" ")
print("Read "+str(Nparticles)+" macro-particles from the file")
This way, you will have some numpy arrays, with the coordinates, momenta etc of all
the electron bunch macro-particles at the timestep timestep
, in normalized units.
In this case we exported the first timestep. You can find a list of the available
timesteps with:
timesteps = track.getAvailableTimesteps()
Each array has a size equal to the number of macro-particles.
The argument chunksize
denotes the maximum number macro-particles per chunk
you are reading. Extracting data in chunks avoids reading all the macro-particles at once,
which can be useful with large amounts of data. In this case we just need to read one chunk.
Using these numpy arrays, you can easily compute derived quantities, e.g. you can obtain the electron bunch charge by summing the weights of all the macro-particles (which can in principle vary between macro-particles) and using the appropriate conversion factor:
import scipy.constants
total_weight = w.sum()
weight_to_pC = S.namelist.e * S.namelist.ncrit
weight_to_pC = weight_to_pC * (S.namelist.c_over_omega0)**3
Q_pC = total_weight * weight_to_pC * 10**(12)
print(" ")
print("Total bunch charge = "+str(Q_pC)+" pC")
Action Check that this is the bunch charge set in the input namelist.
Action Try to extract the evolution of the bunch parameters during the simulation. Remember that you can extract the available timesteps and then loop the extraction of the macro-particle arrays over the timesteps.
Action plot the energy spectrum, i.e. the histogram of the macro-particles energies,
and check that the result is the same obtained with the ParticleBinning
Pay attention to the normalizations of the axes!
Action Adapting this script, study the evolution of the bunch parameters, e.g. its emittance, energy spread, etc.
Perfectly Matched Layers¶
Imperfect boundary conditions may cause unphysical effects when the bunch’s intense electromagnetic fields arrive at the boundaries of the simulation window. A larger box (transversally) could help fields decay near the boundaries. However this can easily increase the simulation time beyond an acceptable level, and only to avoid reflections, adding to the domain some physical regions where no phenomenon of interest happens.
Therefore, to avoid this inefficient approach, this namelist uses improved boundary conditions called Perfectly Matched Layers, which add some cells to the simulation borders filled with a fictious medium where the fields are damped and not reflected back inside the physical simulation window. Note that these additional cells are not visible to the user.
The Perfectly Matched Layers are activated in the Main
block through:
EM_boundary_conditions = [
number_of_pml_cells = [[20,20],[20,20]],
Action: How do the results change if you decrease the number of PML cells from 20 to 5? Are the fields more or less noisy?
Action: What happens if instead of the "PML"
boundary conditions you use
the more classic following conditions?:
EM_boundary_conditions = [["silver-muller","silver-muller"],["buneman","buneman"],]
How large should the simulation window be to avoid reflections without a Perfectly Matched Layers?
Acceleration of a witness bunch¶
Now you know everything necessary to simulate beam-driven plasma acceleration: try to define
a second, smaller electron bunch, with the same energy of the driver bunch, smaller charge and small enough to fit
in the plasma wave and injected in the accelerating phase of the plasma wave (i.e. negative Ex
Use the numpy
array initialization method as you have done for the bunch driving the waves.
Study the evolution of the energy spectrum of this witness bunch and check that its average energy is increasing.