Install dependencies on MacOS

First, you will need to install Xcode and the Command Line Tools in order to be able to compile Smilei

xcode-select --install

and follow the instructions.

Here we show how to install all dependendencies needed by Smilei using Brew or Macports. Please note that you need to install one and only one package manager.

Brew : install Smilei

This installation procedure has been tested on macOS 10.14.4

  1. Install HomeBrew via:

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install Smilei

    brew install --HEAD iltommi/brews/smilei

    Smilei executables (smilei and smilei_test) and the python module are now accessible from everywhere.

  3. Install python packages needed for the happi python module:

    pip3 install ipython h5py pint sphinx matplotlib scipy

Documentation can be opened with

open /usr/local/opt/smilei/share/html/index.html

To update Smilei with just type

brew upgrade --fetch-HEAD smilei

Brew : install dependencies

In case you want ot keep a private version of Smilei where you can make changes to the core code, you might want to just install the Smilei dependencies to be able to compile Smilei from you directory:

  1. install Smilei dependencies

    brew install iltommi/brews/smilei --HEAD --only-dependencies
  2. Edit your .bash_profile (or .zprofile on Catalina) hidden file located in your home folder:

    open ~/.bash_profile

    and add the following lines at the end:

    export OMPI_CXX=g++-11
    export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=`brew --prefix`/opt/hdf5-parallel
    export PYTHONEXE=python3
  3. In a new terminal window, you can now compile smilei (see Compile Smilei for other options)

Macports : install dependencies

Please note that these guidelines might be slightly outdated. Tested on Mojave in january 2021

If you find any error, please fill an issue on GitHub:

This installation procedure relies on the software MacPorts that you can install following these instructions.

  1. In a terminal, run the following command to install the C++ compiler with MPI and HDF5:

    sudo port -N install openmpi-gcc10 +threads
    sudo port select --set mpi openmpi-gcc10-fortran
    sudo port -N install hdf5 +openmpi+gcc10
  2. Edit your .bash_profile hidden file located in your home folder:

    open ~/.bash_profile

    and add the following lines at the end:

    export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=/opt/local
    export PYTHONEXE=python3
  3. Python should be already installed by default, but in case you need a specific version, run:

    sudo port -N install python38
    sudo port select --set python3 python38
  4. If you wish to run the Python post-processing scripts provided in Smilei, you need several modules (h5py, numpy, matplotlib, sphinx, pint). We recommend to install IPython which includes some of these.

    sudo port -N install py38-h5py         # mandatory for opening any HDF5 file
    sudo port -N install py38-matplotlib   # plottting
    sudo port -N install py38-pint         # only for auto unit conversion
    sudo port -N install py38-ipython      # nicer python console
    sudo port -N install py38-sphinx       # only for building the doc