Appendix: Cheatsheet¶
A: Command Line Terminal Cheatsheet¶
When you feel lost, use the command
: present working directory) to display your present path. For example, a path may have the form/gpfs/users/user_01
. This specific example means that you are in the folderuser_01
, which is inside the folderusers
, which is inside the foldergpfs
.To go back to your home (the path where you connect with the
command), usecd ~
(useful if you feel lost in your directory tree).To check the content of your present path, use the command
: list)Similarly, you can check the content of another directory, e.g. with a path called
, using the commandls folder/subfolder/
To move to a specific path, e.g.
usecd path/to/your/folder
: change directory)To move up by one level from your present path, use the shortcut
cd ..
To change the name of a file or directory, use
mv old_name new_name
: move)To move a file/folder into a folder
move source destination_folder/
. The source can be a file or a folder.Risky command To remove a file, use
rm filename
: remove). To remove an entire folder and its content, userm -rf foldername
orrmdir foldername
.Warning This operation is irreversible!
B: How to prepare a simulation¶
Each time an exercise asks to run a new simulation, it is recommended to create a new directory, where you will insert the required files and run this new simulation. This will ensure that no previous data is lost or overwritten.
Following are the instructions to complete this process.
Create a new simulation folder, for example called
in your home directory, where you will run your simulation:
mkdir simulation_folder_name
cd simulation_folder_name
Each time you do it, choose a convenient name of the folder to remember which simulation it contains. In order to avoid overwriting data, it is recommended to create a new simulation folder for each simulation.
Go inside the simulation folder, e.g. with the command
cd simulation_folder_name
.Inside the simulation folder, you will need a file to submit a simulation job to the job scheduler, e.g.
You can transfer the file you already have in your home through the comand cp
cp ~/TP-M2-GI/ ~/simulation_folder_name/
The last command will copy the file ~/TP-M2-GI/
inside the folder called simulation_folder_name
in your present working directory.
Inside the simulation folder, you will need also the input file of your simulation
. A copy of
should be in~/TP-M2-GI
. To make a copy of this file in another folder you can use thecp
command (add the source and destination paths), e.g.:
cp ~/TP-M2-GI/ ~/simulation_folder_name/
Similarly, copy the smilei
executable from the ~/TP-M2-GI
folder to your simulation directory.
C: How to run your simulation¶
Check if you have all the required files (submission script
, input
, executablesmilei
) through the commandls
.Remember to uncomment the necessary variables and blocks as explained in the exercise before launching a simulation.
Remember to set the variables to different values when asked by the exercise.
Launch your simulation job:
To check the status (running/queueing etc) of your job:
jjstat -u $USER
This should also return the number JobId
of your job, necessary for the next command.
To stop/delete your job from the queue (this operation is irreversible!):
jjdel JobId
To read the end (command
) of the log filesmilei.log
and let it refresh (option-f
, e.g. if you want to watch your simulation execute for example):
tail -f smilei.log
Sometimes the simulation may seem stuck, normally this is just a lag of the system in displaying the log file.
The combination ctrl+C
will allow you to stop watching the file smilei.log
D: How to postprocess your simulation results¶
(before, you will need to load the Python modules and define variables like how you did to compile the code, and be sure you have compiledhappi
Import the libraries you need:
import happi
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The output files have the extension .h5
and can be opened with the postprocessing library happi
. You will need also the
, generated at the start of your simulation.
Open your simulation:
S = happi.Open("eaxmple/path/to/my/results")
If you use simply
S = happi.Open()
without specifying a path, the library happi
open the results inside the current working directory.
For your convenience and quick reference, some of the most commonly used commands of happi
are reported.
Do not hesitate to copy and paste the following commands in IPython
and adapt them to the problem you are solving.
Remember that the results are in normalized units, but you can specify also SI units for the plot.
D.02: Open a simulation¶
To import the library happi
in IPython
and open a simulation in the folder, use:
import happi; S = happi.Open("path/to/simulation")
In this specific example the folder’s path is called for example "path/to/simulation"
(use the path of your simulation instead!).
Using instead:
import happi; S = happi.Open()
will open the simulation in your current path. If you are not in a simulation folder, an error message will be displayed.
The last command will create an object called S
, our simulation,
which contains all the necessary data, taken from the input namelist and from the
output files.
You can easily access parameters from the input namelist, for example:
In general, if you tap S.
or add the name of the blocks and then use the tab key,
you will see the available blocks and variables.
D.03: Plot diagnostic outputs¶
To open a specific diagnostic, like the Probe1
defined in the namelist,
and plot the longitudinal electric field Ex
contained in that diagnostic, use:
Other physical fields defined on the grid that you can plot are for example Ey
(the electric field component in the y direction),
(the charge density). Remember that you can also specify operations
on the fields, like 2.*Ey-Ex
, when you declare your variable.
By default, the last command will only plot the requested field obtained in the last simulation output available for that diagnostic. You may instead be interested in a specific iteration of the simulation (in code units), like iteration 1200. To plot only that timestep, just specify it inside the diagnostic block:
S.Probe.Probe1("Ex", timesteps=1200).plot()
Remember that this timestep corresponds to physical time 1200*dt
, where dt
is the simulation timestep, which can be found with dt=S.namelist.Main.timestep
To know which iterations are available in your diagnostic, you can use:
D.04: Specifying the physical units¶
The code, including its outputs, uses normalized units. You can specify the units you want to use, e.g.:
D.05: Visualize multiple timesteps¶
Normally you have a sequence of outputs, so you may want to see an animation of the outputs or to be able to slide between the saved timesteps. It is possible to do it with these commands respectively:
In the last case, just slide with the horizontal bar to see the evolution of the plotted quantity at different iterations.
D.06: Modify elements of the plot¶
Like in Python, you may be interested into specifying the figure number, or change the colormap, or specifying a maximum or minimum value plotted. You can include the same corresponding keywords inside the plot/animate/slide command. As an example where all these elements are specified:
S.Probe.Probe1("Ex").plot(figure=2, vmin = -0.1, vmax = 0.1 , cmap = "seismic")
D.07: Plot multiple lines in the same window¶
You may be interested in visualizing multiple curves in the same plot window.
Then the command happi.multiPlot
is what you need.
For example, if you want to plot two quantities from the same simulation, scaling them through multiplying factors:
import happi
S = happi.Open("example/path/to/simulation")
E = S.Probe.Probe1("0.1*Ex", timesteps=1000, label = "E")
rho = S.Probe.Probe1("-10.*Rho", timesteps=1000, label="charge density")
happi.multiPlot(E, rho, figure = 1)
The previous example draws two curves, but you can use multiPlot
to plot more curves.
Note that you can plot also different timesteps from the same simulation with the same procedure. Similarly, you can plot two quantities from two or more simulations:
import happi
S1 = happi.Open("example/path/to/simulation1")
Ex1 = S1.Probe.Probe0("Ex",timesteps=1000)
S2 = happi.Open("example/path/to/simulation2")
Ex2 = S2.Probe.Probe0("Ex",timesteps=1000)
There is an equivalent of multiPlot()
for the slide()
often used to study the evolution of two quantities in the same window.
Its name is multiSlide()
import happi
S1 = happi.Open("example/path/to/simulation1")
Ex1 = S1.Probe.Probe0("Ex",timesteps=1000)
S2 = happi.Open("example/path/to/simulation2")
Ex2 = S2.Probe.Probe0("Ex",timesteps=1000)
D.08: Export the data¶
Those shown above are all the happi
commands you may need for this practical.
If you prefer instead to analyze your results with numpy
arrays in Python,
you can easily export your diagnostic to a numpy
array, for example:
import happi
import numpy as np
S = happi.Open("path/to/simulation")
myArrayVariable = S.Probe.Probe1("Ex").getData()
myArrayVariable = S.Probe.Probe1("Ex", timesteps=1200).getData()
myArrayVariable = np.asarray(myArrayVariable)
In case you want to export the data to a text file .txt
and read it with
another language, you can write this array on a text file using:
np.savetxt("file_name.txt", myArrayVariable)